Background: Studys and diplomas in pedagogy, music, medicine, bodypsychotherapy, traumatherapy. Focused on the brainstem since 35 years. Founder of the Bio-Intelligence methode uniting nature and sience.
I can see more than others from birth. In Bali I learnd from the Holyman and the Priest... Beyond any diplomas and titles. I am respected as a healing person and a spiritual leader. I still learn a lot.
"Away from people, I grow up alone in the dschungle of Bali with my granpa. As a renowned indigenous Holy and Healer, he taught me to feel and understand the true essence of life. I learned everything from him and from nature itself."
"From my granpa I learnd to pray. He was my spiritual teacher until he died. I still feel his presence with me."
He can see all you want to know. To work together is an honor.
His energie is amazing... It`s somthing to feel, beyond any words....
It`s an honor to work with him.
What would we do without you...? Thank you for organising evrithing, for being ready around the clock..!
Thank you so much for being in our lives. You are the heart of this place...! We are living in your garden. It used to be yours. Thank you for your spirit!
Thank you for being so loyal and always being with my clients when we need it! And if I cannot find somthing, you will find it!
Thank you for your sunshine in the house. I know you since the beginning. You are always in my heart.
Offerings very day, many times, in many places in our valley. And thank you for creating all the offerings for us. Thank you so, so, much!!! For a wonderful soul!
Your power from nature is just great to see and to feel!!
Thank you so much for your love and your very careful driving like a meditation!
Thank you for being in my life
Passionate supporter! Without him, this project would not exist. Thank you for all. And all your impulses we apreciate from heart. We all love you.
He is always in my life for helping and support, for many things and from the heart. Thank you for your help, specially in many technical aspects.
Administration Switzerland
Without your help it would not work! So many years you are on my side, supporting me through high and down moments.
Administration Bali
What would we do without you? When ever I need to know somthing, you have the details ready for the administration of this complex organisation.
I feel blessed that I had the privilege to learn some methods directly from the founders of meanwhile established therapies. Thank you to Gisela Rohmert D (Lichtenberger Methode angewandte Stimmphysiologie), Prof. Dr. Walter Rohmert (Lichtenberger Methode angewandte Stimmphysiologie), Dr. David Boadella CH (Körperpsychotherapie Biosynthese), Dr. Silvia Boadella CH (Körperpsychotherapie Biosythese), Dr. Peter Levine USA (Somatic Experience), Gerda Boyesen D (Biodynamik), John Buttrick USA, CH (First student of Pilates), Julia Bolter USA (First Student of Alexandertechnic), Bert Hellinger D, (Hellinger Familienaufstellung).
I don’t want to forget to express my deepest gratitude for the incredible privilege of learning directly from our Holy Man in Bali. I have learned the essence of ancient Balinese spirituality and healing and grown into a spiritual leader through years, guided by this holy wisdom.
It was a prilege to intensively learn and work with all of you. With some of you during many, many years. THANK YOU!